ircII help - notify

Usage: NOTIFY [[-]<nickname> [[-] ...]]

Use of this command lets you mark certain nicknames such that you will be warned when they signon or off of IRC. When someone on your notify-list signs on, you will see a message

    *** Signon by <nickname> detected
Likewise, when they signoff, you will see
    *** Signoff by <nickname> detected
Someone will be shown as signed off if they change nicknames as well, so keep this in mind.

You can modify how the signon and signoff messages are displayed using the on/notify_signon and on/notify_signoff commands.

Specifying a - before a nickname will remove notification checking for that nickname. If no parameters are specified, the current status of each user on your notify list is displayed. If you specify a + without any additional parameters:

    notify +
you will be shown a list of only those people on your notification list who are currently on irc. If you specify a - with no additional parameters, all nicks will be removed.

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